Friday, April 14 2023, Chemical Engineering students batch of 2022 FT-UB held an event called “Bersinar – Charity in the month of Ramadhan” at the Akhlakul Karimah orphanage, Merjosari, Lowokwaru, Malang City. This event was not only attended by Chemical Engineering students batch 2022 FT-UB but also representatives from the FT-UB Chemical Engineering Student Association. This activity is intended to add to the blessings of Ramadhan and to strengthen friendship ties between students of the Chemical Engineering Department FT-UB and establish good relations between the Chemical Engineering Department FT-UB and the community. In addition, this activity is also carried out as a community service activity that aims to fulfill one of the points of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

This event consisted of a series of events, namely teaching, playing games, sharing donations in the form of gifts to orphanage children, and ending with breaking the fast together. Hopefully this event will provide blessings and benefits for the big family of the Akhlakul Kharimah Orphanage and the Department of Chemical Engineering FT-UB.

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